
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Recap

So, Blogger is telling me that I have reached my maximum photo storage for this blog... no!  I have been wanting to update you on the latest events, but I've been putting it off in hopes that Blogger might change its mind.  It hasn't.  But here is the latest update anyway!  (And here's hoping that I might be able to fix it for the future...)

The past few weeks have flown by with activities nearly every day and big responsibilities on my shoulders.  On the heels of Operation Christmas Child, I switched gears to plan a motorized scavenger hunt for my small group and six other high school girl small groups!  My parents have lots of experience writing and participating in scavenger hunts like these, so I asked them to help with the planning.  They wrote the story line about a missing Thanksgiving dinner, which took groups to my favorite cafe, the kitchen of a BFA dorm, a guys small group, and the town square.  I wrote clues, contacted people at the different sites, and assembled sealed envelopes.  The girls gathered at the high school and were sent out in their teams of 7-9 people.  It was hard to sit still once the vans pulled out... I so hoped that all of the clues would work and that they would all finish in time!  From everything I have heard, it was a success and the girls had a blast!

Two days later, we hosted 18 of our friends in our living room for our 3rd annual Thanksgiving celebration!  We provided the turkeys (three of them!) and friends brought side dishes to complete the spread.  After a delicious meal, we read some Psalms and sang worship songs together, another Thanksgiving tradition of ours.  While eating delicious desserts - and long after we had put down our forks! - we chatted and laughed.  Yes, it was loud.  What would you expect with a group of 18 girls?!  You can see a picture of all of us around the table and read my friend's summary of the event on her blog.

Our Christmas tree is up and our living room is splashed with red and white, yet I am still overflowing with thanksgiving.  I am grateful for a community here in Kandern that makes this feel like home.  I'm grateful for my community on the other side of the ocean at Grace Point, which makes it possible for me to serve here at BFA.  I'm thankful for wonderful students, inspiring mentors, and a job I love.

"Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."  Psalm 16:5-6

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